I’m Julee and I am honored you are sharing some of your valuable time with me. I love books, have been an avid reader my entire life, and have a bachelor’s degree in English.
A friend of mine approached me one evening at our book club and said she and her husband had a great idea for me. I had given her several book recommendations which she enjoyed and their idea was for me to share my recommendations with a larger audience. Julee Noted is the result of that conversation.
As much as I love reading, my greater loves are my husband, our five children, and four grandchildren. I also enjoy cooking, being outdoors, and spending time with friends.
I look forward to sharing great books with you and hope you find them worth your time!
Julee By the Books
2025 Books
This is a fun place for me to keep track of how many books I’ve read during the year and how many get spotlighted as a “Book Worth Your Time.” Here’s to a year of great reading!