“He had a nice little house of his own, a wife whom he loved dearly… still, it would have been nice, he often thought, if he could have seen something of the world before he met Mrs. Popper and settled down. He had never hunted tigers in India, or climbed the peaks of the Himalayas, or dived for pearls in the South Seas. Above all, he had never seen the Poles.”–Richard and Florence Atwater, Mr Popper’s Penguins

This book written in 1938 continues to delight children of all ages. How can you not a love a story about a house painter in Minnesota who receives a male penguin in the mail as a gift, and then a second (female) penguin which results in ten additional penguins for a total of twelve?! The penguins and their antics are humorous as Mr. Popper trains them to perform as a circus act. What could possibly go wrong? Lots as it turns out and as a result, Mr. Popper and his penguins end up getting the adventure of his dreams.

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