If Peter was nine, and a new boy came to St. Norbert’s Home for Wayward Boys who said he was ten, why, then, Peter would declare himself eleven. Also, he could spit the farthest. That made him the undisputed leader.” ― Dave Barry Peter and the Starcatchers

Dave Barry’s rendition of Peter Pan is full of adventure and humor. This is not the Peter Pan story you grew up with, although there are familiar elements to the story. Peter and other boys from the orphanage are sent to an island, ruled by the evil King Zarboff. Their journey begins aboard the ship Never Land which is carrying a mysterious trunk in its cargo hold and with that trunk, a great adventure begins. This a tale full of swash buckling pirates, storms at sea, scary villains, and endearing characters. This is the first of the five books in the Peter and the Starcatchers series and will appeal to kids and adults alike.

Content Advisory: Peril to children, some adult content (drinking, smoking, sexual innuendo) and crude humor

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