“Wrong will be right, when Aslan comes in sight,
At the sound of his roar, sorrows will be no more,
When he bares his teeth, winter meets its death,
And when he shakes his mane, we shall have spring again.”
― C.S. Lewis, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
No list of children’s books worth your time would be complete without C.S. Lewis’ masterpiece, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. There are few children’s books that compare with the depth, emotion, and magical feeling found in this book. I still remember the first time I read this book and the powerful impression it made on me. Four children step through a wardrobe into a world controlled by the white witch, where it is always winter but never Christmas. The inhabitants of the land and the children are ready to give up hope when Aslan, the great lion, returns.
Betrayal, consequences, love, and sacrifice are themes of the book and there is much Christian symbolism. This is the second of seven books in The Chronicles of Narnia series but it stands alone very well. I love this book series and when I was a kid, I would read the entire series every summer–such great memories!
Content Warning: Death