“Back to the light,” that was what Gregory whispered to him when he wrapped Despereaux in his napkin and placed him on the tray.”–Kate DiCamillo

The imagery and symbolism of light and dark in this book is insightful and well done. Master storyteller Kate DiCamillo has crafted a story that appeals to both kids and adults with an engaging and layered story. Despereaux Tilling is a mouse who loves music, stories, and Princess Pea. It is also Roscuro’s story. Roscuro is a rat who lives in the dark but wants the light. Miggery Sow, a slow witted serving girl is the third character in the story. These three characters are brought together when they each embark on a journey. What happens to them? As Kate DiCamillo says, “Reader, it is your destiny to find out.”

Content Advisory: Abandonment, child abuse, animal cruelty,

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