“The reading of all good books is like conversation with the finest men of past centuries.” – René Descartes
One of the things I love most about books is the power of connection. Books have the power to expand horizons, broaden perspectives, and challenge our world views. They also allow us to connect with others who have read the same book, sometimes across centuries. Last summer I was in Salzburg with my family and we were visiting Nonnberg Abbey, which is where Maria from the The Sound of Music was training to become a nun. We were there on a Sunday and realized if waited a little while, it would be the scheduled time to hear the nuns singing. We had already explored the outside of the abbey, so we sat down on a pew and pulled out our phones to help pass the time. I opened to my bible app and started reading in the Book of Acts. As I began reading, I was struck by the thought that for centuries others had read from that same book in this same place. It was a spine-tingling, goosebump kind of moment to feel that connection. On a smaller but no less significant scale, I love discussing a book I’ve read with others who have also read it. Again, there is a connection from sharing thoughts and feelings about a work of literature with someone. When I met my son’s girlfriend (now wife) for the first time and found out she loved Anne of Green Gables and Pride Prejudice (preferring the BBC movie adaption–which is always the right answer!), there was an instant connection. So, here’s to making more connections through reading and if you are ever get to visit Nonnberg Abbey, take the time to hear the singing. It is amazing!